FlexiGroups are lists of users based on a data point(s) such as academic major code, department, manager, job title...).
The Office of Research Regulatory Support has limited resources for creating and maintaining large team lists. Instead, we recommend creating a Flexigroup that automatically updates. For example, if someone leaves MSU, they are automatically dropped from your group. As students are accepted into a major, they are added to the group.
Further, we can assist in automating the assignment of required training (tracks) using Flexigroups.
- Pro - You can add and remove an RCR track to a student individually.
- Pro - You can run impromptu reports yourself on the group or all groups at once.
- Pro - You can still elect to have an RCR (or other track) auto-assigned to that group.
- Con - The new group list will be added to your Manager People list and mixed in with your subordinates or other pre-existing team.