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Manager Resources

How To Update Team Members

Your People list is built by a feed from employment records (HR/EBS) and/or any ad-hoc members you've been granted access to oversee. 

Need a change? Look for the Report Type column in your Monday Manager Report, then see instructions below.

Screenshot of Monday manager report highlighting Report Type column


For coordinators or administrators who have requested access to monitor training for a manager or an organizational unit, see Proxy instructions for updating People List


How to Update Training Requirements (track assignments)

Supervisors know best what work each team member is conducting. If training assigned to your team members needs to be corrected, you can update Ability accordingly. Exception: Some tracks, such as RVSM and MSU Foundations, are automatically assigned based on employee/student status.

Go to Manager Menu > People > search for and select person > on Track Status tab, click red X to remove track or green + to add track

Screenshot from Ability LMS showing steps for removing a track assignment


Note that you cannot remove some training requirements because they are auto-assigned based on policy formula. Refer to the FAQ for assistance if you believe training is assigned in error for those programs. 

Tracking Compliance

Training in many cases is required by law. Training that is overdue or expired creates risks: injuries, lawsuits against individuals and the University, funding from government agencies, and harm to the University's reputation. Encourage your team to complete training before due dates by speaking positively about training opportunities and acting upon Monday Morning Reports. Training that remains out of compliance for more than 30 days may be escalated to a higher supervisor.

Tools for improving compliance